Same Savior, Different Day

Understanding the Timelessness of our God

By Pastor Adam Fox

Every year, my wife and I go to the Bristol Renaissance Faire which is just over the Wisconsin border. In fact, Andrea has been going there for two decades, so you can say it is a special place for us that is filled with timeless tradition.


This year, I got to go on a Sunday and see many great things including the Anglician church service. The Ren Faire volunteers strive to present the service as traditional as possible - straight down to the prayer books used. It was a different style and a little hard to read in all "faire"-ness, but one thing I took away from this service, was that God and His Word has not changed.


As humans, we naturally fall into ruts and traditions and love the dependability of them. We impose these traits on to our movies and television shows. We make hits, instant classics, but sometimes, time changes things. Look at two 80s "classics" Star Wars Return of the Jedi and The Cosby Show.


Thirty years later, Star Wars is still a massive hit and only getting bigger. (bring on Episode 9!) But the Cosby Show has been tarnished greatly due to it's star - Bill Cosby.


I do not need any more explanation beyond this picture I hope.


Time does that. Time, like people and dreams, and so much in our life change and adapt - for better or worse. One thing that never has and never will change is God. It is hard to imagine with our tiny human minds but the God who loves us and sent His son to die in our place, is eternal.

Being timeless or eternal are funny words to describe God. Funny not like a clown, but funny as in hard to fully grasp. Timelessness and eternal are defined as not affected by the passage of time or changes in fashion and lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.


God is beyond time. He has no beginning or ending and does not let time or anything change Him. That is amazing, later I will tell you why that is amazing, but at the same time challenging. God has no beginning or end. No birthday. No death day. Not even bound by time like we are.

For myself, I have a birthday - November 25, 1983 ( in case you want to send me a present or three) and I will have a death day. I am bound by the 24 hours in each day. Our God has none of these, all because He is the Creator, He is the King of Kings and the Great I AM. He is the one who spoke the Universe and everything else into place.

We can confidently say that our God, is timeless and will ALWAYS be the same that He was in the Bible, that He is today and will be tomorrow. From Generation to Generation.

I will sing about the Lord’s faithful love forever; I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations with my mouth.
Psalm 89:1

I will cause your name to be remembered for all generations;
therefore the peoples will praise you forever and ever.
Psalm 45:17

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

God is the Rock that we can depend on, the One who always was and always will be. He is timeless and eternal, but He is not the only one with whom we can count on to never change and be there and that is His Word.

We have the timeless dependability that is the Bible. It is the complete truth written by God through the Apostles, Prophets and other Biblical writers. It is something we can rely on because it is never going to change.


Now some of you may be skeptics and know that some Bibles have more books than others, and if that is the case it can be changed.

Slow down Sherlock, let me educate you and reassure you.

The Bible is considered Canon, so what does that mean? The books of the Bible were written so many years ago, but over time there were other books that some considered AS GOOD as those written by the men God chose.

With this on the mind, the church fathers sat down and after some debate and vote they settled on the 66 books that we now know as the Bible. These books are canon. Canon means that:

  • They were Divinely inspired

  • They were written by an accredited agent of God

  • The book is authentic

  • It is univerely recognized by the church as God's Word

  • It is docternally agreed

  • It is applicable to all people at all times. Universally.

That last point is what we as modern American Christians should rejoice about. The Bible was written at minimum two thousand years ago to much longer in the Middle East. Far far away from America in 2018. But it is still understandable, still relate able, and will always be. The truths and teachings from God will never be out-of-date or not applicable - EVER.


So what does all this mean for you and I?

God will always be with us and for us and that will never change.

Look at the promise in Revelation.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “the one who is, who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Revelation 1:8

The Lord is, was, and always will be there. No matter what is going on in our lives no matter what illness or what endangers us or new adventures come our way. God will be there.

God will never change, but as we get older people change. We grow physically, but also emotionally and in every sense. But God never will. He does not need to because He is perfect. He is the one who set all of creation into place, and who will come again and reign forever. God is immutable and that excites me. No matter what garbage is in our country and society of sin, we have our God. The pillar of truth in a sea of sin.

There is never going to be a surprise from God. He is timeless and eternal. Never changing, and always there for us. Praise God with me for this.


Thanks for reading. What was your favorite Cosby Character - tell me. I was always a Theo guy.

Cheers and Excelsior!

Pastor Adam